
How to Maintain and Update Your Custom CRM

You’ve invested big in your custom CRM, and now it’s time to keep it from turning into a hot mess. Schedule regular system backups, and don’t forget to verify they’re working correctly. Stay ahead of hackers by keeping your CRM up-to-date with the latest security patches. Monitor and squash bugs ASAP, and review data management to prevent inaccuracies. Update custom integrations and APIs, and perform regular system audits to identify vulnerabilities. And, don’t forget to tap into user feedback to refine your CRM. Now that you’ve got the basics covered, take your CRM to the next level with…

Key Takeaways

• Schedule regular system backups and verify their correctness to prevent data loss in case of a crash or cyberattack.• Stay ahead of hackers by keeping the CRM up-to-date with the latest security patches and regularly checking for vulnerabilities.• Monitor the system for errors, prioritise bugs based on impact and urgency, and focus on high-priority issues first.• Regularly review and refine data management to prevent inaccuracies, implement data quality control, and perform duplicate management and data standardisation.• Perform regular system audits to uncover hidden inefficiencies, diagnose problems, and prescribe solutions before they turn into crises.

Schedule Regular System Backups

You’re only one crash or cyberattack away from losing all your precious customer data, so schedule those regular system backups already! Think of it as a digital insurance policy – you hope you never need it, but you’ll be glad you have it when disaster strikes. Without a solid backup strategy, you’re playing a dangerous game of data roulette.

When it comes to data storage, you’ve got options. You can opt for on-premiss storage, where you keep your data in-house, or cloud-based storage, which is more flexible and scalable.

Either way, you need a plan for backing up that data. We recommend the 3-2-1 approach: three copies of your data, stored on two different types of media (like hard drives and the cloud), with one offsite copy for extra security.

Don’t make the rookie mistake of thinking your CRM is too small to need regular backups. Newsflash: data loss can happen to anyone, regardless of size.

Set a schedule that works for you – daily, weekly, or monthly – and stick to it. And don’t forget to verify those backups to confirm they’re actually working. You don’t want to find out your backup strategy is flawed when it’s too late.

Monitor and Address Bugs Quickly

How quickly can you recover from a system meltdown caused by a pesky bug that slipped through the cracks?

Let’s face it, even with rigorous testing, bugs can still sneak up on you. The key is to catch them before they wreak havoc on your CRM. That’s where error tracking comes in – it’s like having a bug detective on your team.

By monitoring your system for errors, you can identify and prioritise bugs based on their impact and urgency.

Bug prioritisation is vital in this process. You can’t tackle every bug at once, so focus on the ones that are causing the most chaos.

Is your sales team unable to access customer data? That’s a high-priority bug. Are some users experiencing wonky formatting on a specific report? That’s lower on the list.

Stay Up-To-Date With Security Patches

You’re probably thinking, ‘Security patches? Yeah, I’ll get to those eventually.’

But let’s be real, eventually often turns into never, and that’s when hackers start doing the cha cha slide on your CRM.

Stay ahead of them by keeping your CRM up-to-date with the latest security patches, and make it a habit to regularly cheque for vulnerabilities.

Patch Release Schedules

Staying on top of patch release schedules is crucial, as a single overlooked security update can turn your CRM into a welcome mat for hackers. You don’t want to be that admin who let a simple patch slip through the cracks, only to have your entire system compromised. To avoid this, staying abreast of the release cycles and versioning strategies of your CRM is imperative.

Here’s a breakdown of what you need to know:

Release Cycle Description
Monthly Regular security patches and bug fixes
Quarterly New feature releases and major updates
Bi-Annual Major version updates and overhaul of existing features

Regular Vulnerability Scans

Regular vulnerability scans are your best defence against those pesky hackers, who’ll exploit any weakness they can find, so prioritise them alongside your morning coffee as a vital part of your security routine.

You can’t just patch and pray; you need to know what’s vulnerable in the first place. That’s where regular scans come in – they’re like a digital health cheque for your CRM.

Think of it as penetration testing on steroids. You’ll get an in-depth report on potential vulnerabilities, so you can fix them before hackers even think about exploiting them.

And let’s not forget compliance cheques – regular scans will verify you’re meeting those stringent security standards. It’s not just about avoiding a security breach; it’s about maintaining trust with your customers.

Prioritise High-Risk Fixes

Now that you’ve got your vulnerability scan report in hand, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and tackle those high-risk fixes, because a hacker’s gotta eat, and you don’t want to be their next meal ticket.

Your risk assessment just got real, and it’s time to prioritise. Identify the most critical vulnerabilities that need fixing, and don’t bother with the trivial stuff – you’ve got better things to do.

Create a fix validation plan to verify those high-risk vulnerabilities are properly addressed. Remember, every minute counts when it comes to patching those security gaps. Don’t give hackers a chance to exploit them.

Focus on the most critical fixes first, and then move on to the less severe ones. Think of it as a game of ‘beat the hacker.’ You win when you patch those vulnerabilities before they do.

Stay ahead of the game, and your CRM will thank you.

Review and Refine Data Management

You’re about to get your hands dirty with the nitty-gritty of data management – and trust us, it’s about time!

You must scrutinise your data quality control, ensuring that inaccuracies don’t turn your CRM into a hot mess.

Data Quality Control

Your CRM is only as good as the data it’s fed, so you must implement a data quality control process that reviews and refines data management to prevent your database from turning into a hot mess. Think of it as a never-ending battle against data decay. You’re the hero, and your trusty sidekicks are data profiling and duplicate management.

| Data Quality Issue | Symptom | Solution || Inconsistent formatting | ‘John Doe’ vs. ‘J. Doe’ | Standardise naming conventions || Duplicate records | Multiple entries for the same customer | Implement duplicate management tools || Outdated information | Stale contact info | Regularly update and verify data |

Data profiling helps you understand your data’s strengths and weaknesses, identifying areas that need improvement. Meanwhile, duplicate management confirms you’re not duplicating efforts or confusing customers with multiple records. By tackling these issues, you’ll be well on your way to a sparkling clean database that actually helps you close deals. Remember, a clean CRM is a happy CRM!

Data Standardisation Process

Tame the data beast by establishing a standardised framework for collecting, formatting, and updating customer information to prevent chaos and maintain consistency across your CRM.

You don’t want your CRM to become a dumping ground for duplicate, outdated, or incorrect data, do you?

That’s where a solid data standardisation process comes in.

Think of it as Data Governance 101: setting the rules for how data is stored, managed, and utilised across your organisation.

This guarantees that your CRM remains a single source of truth, rather than a mess of data silos.

You know, those pesky pockets of disconnected data that make it impossible to get a clear view of your customers.

Update Custom Integrations and APIs

Custom integrations and APIs are the secret sauce that makes your CRM system truly shine, but they can quickly become outdated and ineffective if not regularly updated to keep pace with evolving business needs.

You’ve invested time and resources into crafting bespoke integrations that streamline your workflow, but neglecting to update them can lead to a digital Frankenstein’s monster – a mess of tangled code and broken connexions.

To avoid this, you need to keep your custom integrations and APIs in top shape.

Start by reviewing your API gateways, ensuring they’re securely handling data exchange between systems.

Next, inspect your integration workflows, checking for any bottlenecks or inefficiencies.

Are there any redundant steps or unnecessary detours?

Identify areas where you can optimise and simplify the process.

Perform Regular System Audits

As you navigate the ever-changing landscape of your CRM system, regular system audits become the X-ray vision you need to uncover hidden inefficiencies, diagnose problems, and prescribe solutions before they turn into full-blown crises.

It’s like getting a cheque-up for your CRM system’s health – you want to catch any potential issues before they become major headaches.

Think of system audits as a preventative maintenance routine.

By regularly checking under the hood, you’ll ensure your CRM system remains in top shape, running smoothly and efficiently.

This is crucial, especially when you’ve got custom integrations and APIs in the mix.

A thorough audit helps you identify areas where your system might be vulnerable to errors, data inconsistencies, or security breaches.

Leverage User Feedback and Insights

Your CRM system‘s biggest fans – and harshest critics – are likely the users who interact with it daily, so it’s essential you tap into their collective wisdom to identify areas ripe for improvement.

Think of it this way: your users are like a team of free consultants, providing valuable feedback that can help refine your CRM system. But only if you listen.

To tap into this goldmine of insights, you’ll need to create user personas that capture the needs, pain points, and motivations of your users.

These personas will help you understand what your users want and need from your CRM system.

Then, establish feedback loops that encourage users to share their thoughts and opinions.

This can be as simple as regular surveys, user testing sessions, or even just having an open-door policy where users feel comfortable sharing their feedback.


As you navigate the wild west of custom CRM maintenance, remember: a well-oiled machine is only as good as its last tune-up.

Think of your CRM like a high-performance sports car – neglect the regular oil changes and tyre rotations, and you’ll be stuck on the side of the road, watching your competitors speed by.

Stay on top of updates, backups, and bug fixes, and you’ll be crossing the finish line in no time.

Contact us to discuss our services now!

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