Key Mobile App Analytics Metrics You Should Track

You’re building a killer mobile app, but without the right analytics metrics, you’re flying blind. Track user acquisition costs, daily active users, and session length to understand your app’s health. Monitor crash rates, user retention, and in-app purchase revenue to identify pain points and opportunities. Don’t forget to analyse funnel drop-offs to smooth out the user journey. By keeping tabs on these key metrics, you’ll be able to optimise, refine, and supercharge your app’s performance. And that’s just the beginning – there’s more to uncover about your app’s hidden potential.

Key Takeaways

• Track CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) to measure the cost of acquiring one new user and optimise marketing spend.• Monitor Daily Active Users (DAU) and Average Session Frequency to gauge user engagement and identify areas for improvement.• Analyse Session Length and Depth to understand user interest and attention span, and optimise the user experience.• Measure Crash and Error Rates to identify and fix issues, ensuring a smooth user experience and minimising frustration.• Track User Retention Rates to understand how well the app meets user needs and identify opportunities to improve the user experience.

Tracking User Acquisition Metrics

As you set out on the journey of building a successful mobile app, understanding how users find and instal your app is essential, and that’s where tracking user acquisition metrics comes in.

You need to know where your users are coming from, what’s driving them to download your app, and how much it’s costing you to acquire each new user. That’s where metrics like Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) come in.

Your CPA is the cost of acquiring one new user, and it’s key to keep this number in cheque to maintain your app’s profitability.

But it’s not just about the cost; you also want to know what’s working and what’s not.

Are your social media ads driving more instals, or is it your influencer partnerships?

By tracking user acquisition metrics, you’ll gain insights into what’s driving your app’s growth.

And, if you’re lucky, you might just stumble upon a viral loop – where your existing users start referring new users, creating a snowball effect that drives growth without additional marketing spend.

Viral loops are the holy grail of user acquisition, and tracking the right metrics will help you identify and optimise them.

Measuring User Engagement Rates

With a clear picture of how users are finding and installing your app, you’re now ready to turn your attention to what happens after they download it – specifically, how to measure the level of engagement that keeps them coming back for more. This is where the rubber meets the road, and you get to see if your app is truly resonating with users.

Measuring user engagement rates helps you identify areas for improvement and optimise the user experience. Here are some key metrics to track:

Metric Description Target
Daily Active Users (DAU) Number of users who open your app daily 20% of total users
Average Session Frequency How often users interact with your app 3-5 times a week
Time to First Action How quickly users take their first in-app action < 30 seconds

Monitoring Session Length and Depth

You’re about to uncover the secrets of session length and depth, which can make or break the overall user experience. These metrics are vital in understanding how users interact with your app, and making data-driven decisions to improve engagement.

Session length, in particular, is a key indicator of user interest and attention span. By tracking this metric, you can identify areas where users are dropping off, and optimise your app’s flow to keep them engaged for longer periods. For instance, if you notice users are abandoning your app after 30 seconds, it may be due to a slow loading time or a confusing onboarding process.

To get the most out of session length and depth analysis, keep an eye on these essential aspects:

Session benchmarks: Establish a baseline for your app’s average session length and depth to track improvements over time.

Scroll patterns: Analyse how users scroll through your app’s content to identify areas of high interest or friction points.

Depth of navigation: Monitor how many screens or pages users navigate through during a session to optimise your app’s information architecture.

Session frequency: Track how often users return to your app to gauge the effectiveness of your engagement strategies.

Analysing Crash and Error Rates

Crash and error rates are the ultimate party crashers, suddenly ending users’ sessions and leaving them frustrated, so it’s vital to identify and squash these bugs ASAP.

You can’t fix what you don’t measure, so it’s necessary to track these metrics to verify your app is running smoothly. By analysing crash and error rates, you’ll uncover patterns and trends that’ll help you pinpoint the root causes of these issues.

To get started, you’ll want to identify your app’s crash patterns. Are crashes more frequent on specific devices, operating systems, or during certain actions?

Once you have a better understanding of these patterns, you can start digging deeper into error categorisation. This involves grouping errors by type, such as network errors, authentication errors, or UI-related errors.

Understanding User Retention Rates

Now that you’ve got a grip on crash and error rates, it’s time to shift your focus to the users who are still sticking around – what’s keeping them engaged, and what’s driving them away?

Understanding user retention rates is vital to the long-term success of your app. After all, it’s much cheaper to keep existing users happy than to constantly try to acquire new ones.

So, how do you keep your users coming back for more?

It starts with understanding your user personas and what makes them tick. What’re their pain points, and how can your app solve them? What features do they luv, and which ones do they ignore?

Some key retention strategies to keep in mind:

  • Segment your users: Identify your most valuable users and tailor your retention strategies to their needs.

  • Personalise the experience: Use user data to create a personalised experience that resonates with each user.

  • Set clear goals and rewards: Give users a reason to keep coming back by setting achievable goals and offering rewards.

  • Continuously gather feedback: Stay in touch with your users and make changes based on their feedback.

Monitoring In-App Purchase Revenue

As your app’s user retention rates soar, verify that your monetisation strategies are paying off by monitoring in-app purchase revenue, the lifeblood of your business, to guaranty that your business model is thriving. You’ve worked hard to retain users, and now it’s time to reap the rewards.

In-app purchases are a significant revenue stream for many apps, and tracking this metric helps you understand how well your monetisation strategies are performing.

By monitoring in-app purchase revenue, you’ll gain insights into your customers’ willingness to spend money within your app. This data will help you refine your pricing strategy, identify opportunities to upsell or cross-sell, and optimise your revenue streams.

You’ll also uncover trends in customer spending habits, which can inform your marketing and product development strategies.

To get the most out of this metric, track in-app purchase revenue alongside customer lifetime value (CLV). This will help you understand how much each customer is worth to your business over time.

Identifying Funnel Drop-Off Points

You’ve optimised your in-app purchases to maximise revenue, but what about the users who abandon their journey before completing a purchase? It’s essential to identify the funnel drop-off points to understand where users are getting stuck and address the conversion obstacles.

By tracking user behaviour, you can pinpoint the exact stages where users are dropping off. Is it during the login process, payment information entry, or during the actual purchase? Identifying these pain points allows you to tackle the user frustrations head-on.

Some key areas to focus on:

  • Login and authentication: Are users struggling to log in or create an account?

  • Payment information: Is the payment process too complicated or unclear?

  • Product selection: Are users overwhelmed by too many options or unclear product details?

  • Checkout process: Are there any issues with the checkout flow, such as high friction or confusing instructions?


You’ve got the key mobile app analytics metrics on lock!

Remember, ‘what gets measured gets managed.’

By tracking user acquisition, engagement, session length, crash rates, retention, in-app purchases, and funnel drop-offs, you’ll be well on your way to optimising your app’s performance.

Don’t let your app fall by the wayside – keep a close eye on these metrics to guaranty you’re driving growth and revenue.

Contact us to discuss our services now!