The benefits of using web-based applications
Web applications have been around for a long time. However, more and more software development companies are starting to use web-based applications as opposed to conventional or legacy software.

Here are some reasons why you may want to consider using web apps:
- Cost Savings – Web-based apps require no additional hardware costs such as servers and storage devices, which can be expensive. If you’re just getting started with your company’s IT strategy, the high up-front costs of deploying an application is usually one of the biggest concerns. A web app allows companies with limited budgets to deploy an application quickly and easily without having to worry about purchasing any new equipment.
- Reduced Overhead – Since you pay only for what you need when it comes to web apps, you reduce the amount of overhead your business has. One third of all Bradford companies with an IT budget of more than $1 million spend over 20% on support and maintenance costs alone. With a web app, you can avoid those types of expenses since most web applications include free customer service and upgrades as needed to keep your information secure and up to date.
- Better Web Services – Web-based apps run on newer technologies that provide better user experiences such as improved business intelligence, easier collaboration features and higher security standards. Newer platforms allow programmers to build web-based applications using open standards languages or frameworks such as .NET (dot net), Java (Java script) and Ruby (Ruby on Rails). So not only will it take less time to develop, it will be more platform-agnostic allowing you to access your web app from virtually any device.
- Greater Mobility – Accessing a web app on the go is easy with mobile devices such as smart phones or tablets that are Wi-Fi enabled or have 3G/4G connectivity. Many web apps are designed to run on common mobile browsers so employees can access information anytime and anywhere they need it most. Web apps also make it easy for customers of all types to use the software, which can help lower overhead costs by eliminating additional training expenses or partnering with consultants to set up data entry processes.
- Unparalleled Collaboration – Web applications provide collaboration tools that enable users across different locations, teams and divisions to work together in real time via the Internet. This feature can provide an improved user experience and allow managers and executives to easily monitor and track the progress of different projects ensuring that deadlines are met without delay.
- More Productivity – Web applications increase productivity by providing anytime, anywhere access to information employees need to do their jobs. It also allows for less downtime since there isn’t a need to install or uninstall updates or service packs that may have compatibility issues with other software on your network. Using web apps means that you have first-hand access to information whether you’re at home, on vacation or at work making it easy to update spreadsheets, send documents back and forth across the office or check inventory levels from just about anywhere.
- Better Uptime – A web app provides better uptime. Web-based apps are accessible from multiple locations and can be accessed by many devices, including PCs, smartphones and tablets. As a result, employees won’t have to wait for access to the desktop version of an application or use several different applications that all serve the same purpose. If one tool goes down for whatever reason (e.g., server issues), other tools will continue working fine until it’s fixed.
- Reduced Hardware Costs – Bradford companies with limited budgets may spend thousands of dollars every year on software licenses and upgrades but not realize how much money they could save if they were using web apps instead. Depending on the company’s computing needs, these savings could easily add up to more than £10,000 per year.
- Greater ROI – A web app helps you improve your return on investment (ROI). Web apps can help employees become more productive and efficient, which can save companies money by eliminating duplicate tasks and unnecessary paperwork. Employees may only need one tool instead of many to get the job done, or they might be able to handle their own tasks without having to ask for assistance from co-workers or managers, saving everyone time and effort in the process.
- Improved Security – Data security is a growing concern for all businesses due to increased cyberattacks and data breaches over the past few years. Although no technology is 100% secure, web applications come with better layers of protection than traditional desktop software for both users and the businesses that deploy them. This makes web apps a more secure option than desktop software when it comes to protecting sensitive data from being hacked or stolen from company networks.
- Cost Savings – Web apps save you money in two distinct ways: by using less bandwidth and space on your servers and virtual machines, as well as reducing IT support costs over time. When each user is accessing the same program from multiple devices via a web app, rather than downloading an entire copy of desktop software onto their workstation, they don’t have to worry about filling up hard drive space with unnecessary files which means there’s less need for storage upgrades down the road or having to upgrade hardware components such as processors or RAM sticks. Since web apps often don’t require downloads or complete installations, there is no need for users to call the computer repair guy every time they get a virus because their hard drive space has been used up.
- Better Network Performance – Web apps can improve network performance. The more devices that access a particular web app simultaneously, the greater the bandwidth drain on a company’s servers and virtual machines. However, since web apps are designed to transmit data across HTTP connections instead of TCP/IP ports which consume more bandwidth and may decrease overall network speed, companies can avoid high bandwidth usage issues by transitioning from desktop software to web-based tools whenever possible.
- Flexible Deployment – From an IT perspective, web apps offer benefits in terms of deployment times and management costs. Since web apps aren’t stored in a specific location on the company’s servers or virtual machines, they can be deployed much more quickly and easily compared to desktop software which may require engineers to make significant changes to the network infrastructure in order to roll out new applications across all workstations in a timely manner.
- No Installation Required – Unlike traditional desktop software, web apps do not need to be installed before they can be used. This is because web apps are accessed through a browser (e.g., Google Chrome) and hosted by the application provider rather than the user’s PC so installation doesn’t matter.
- Better Accessibility – Web apps can help you become more accessible for employees who have disabilities such as blindness, color blindness, and deafness. However, it’s important to note that web apps shouldn’t be treated as a replacement for assistive technology because each user needs to have the right hardware and software (a screen reader such as JAWS) installed on their device before they can use web apps.
- Ease of Use – Web apps are easier to use than traditional desktop software because all you need is an internet connection and a web browser (e.g., Google Chrome). Unlike downloads or complete installations which require a certain amount of technical knowledge, learning how to access a web app won’t take long even business employees who aren’t very tech-savvy will have no trouble using these tools.
- Compatibility – A lot of Bradford based companies prefer to use web apps over traditional desktop tools because web apps are compatible with more operating systems, browsers, and devices.
- 24/7 Access – An advantage of using web-based applications is that employees can access these tools whenever they want from wherever they happen to be as long as they have an internet connection. This is especially beneficial for Yorkshire based employees who work on the go or remotely.
- Data Security & Safety – Web apps offer better data security than desktop software because hackers are less likely to target web applications since most web application providers have several layers of protection in place which makes it more difficult for would-be attackers to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information stored within the company’s network infrastructure. For example, many Yorkshire based companies make use of web application firewalls to monitor network traffic in real-time and block suspicious web requests that may be harmful to their servers.
- Customization – Since web apps are programmed in whatever language the application developer chooses, web applications offer greater flexibility when it comes to performing specific tasks or integrating with existing software systems in a user-friendly way. For example, Metasploit is an open source penetration testing tool which can be used for hacking purposes by both security professionals and hackers alike. By using this web app, you don’t need to install anything on your computer since it runs within your web browser (e.g., Google Chrome).
If you want a reliable web-based applications developer contact Bradford Apps for more info.